A good selection of substrates can make a world of difference to your hamster and their ability to burrow and nest, a natural behaviour for them and something we should not deprive them of. ​
Try to add different substrates and textures, not only do these help to mimic a natural environment but they can offer enrichment as your hamster burrows, digs and explores.
Ensure your bedding is compacted and holds burrows well. You may need to layer multiple substrates for stability,
Woodshavings can be a safe option if you choose Spruce, Aspen or Hemp.
Give your hamster at least 8" of substrate through the entire enclosure.
Do not use pine or cedar woodshavings - they contain dangerous amounts of phenols.
Never use a scented bedding as this can cause respiratory issues.
Wool/Fluffy beddings are dangerous and can cause internal blockages.
These substrates are suitable for filling your enclosure with at least 8" of bedding and will offer your hamster a comfortable environment to burrow and nest.
Sand is an essential part of your hamsters enclosure as it allows them to clean their fur and should be left in their enclosure 24/7. You should opt for a dust, dye and additive free sand.
Make sure your sand is dry when it goes into the enclosure and be sure to support the sand bath with a platform in case your hamster burrows underneath it.
As well as their burrowing substrate and sand we strongly recommend adding in various substrates for enrichment.
Items like moss or coconut husk work well placed on top of the bedding in areas of the enclosure and the likes of beech chips or cork granules make great options for dig boxes. Just make sure any heavy dig boxes are supported by a platform.